Society for Glycobiology Annual Meeting Policies, Terms, and Conditions 

All policies and terms of registration are adopted in consideration of and in the best interest of the Society for Glycobiology (SfG) meeting participants. As a condition of registration, and by registering for an SfG conference, you agree to all the following terms and policies contained herein:

Code of Conduct
SfG conference attendees and staff agree to abide by the terms of the SfG Code of Conduct

Changes and Substitutions
All registration changes and modifications must be requested prior to the cancellation deadline. SfG reserves the right to reject any requested registration changes or modifications. Substitutions may be granted on a case by case basis. Contact [email protected] with your request.

Refund, Cancellation, and Change Policy
If you must cancel your participation at the SfG meeting, you must contact [email protected] by October 9, 2024. A $25 non-refundable processing fee will be deducted from the refund. After October 9, 2024, 11:59 pm ET, no refunds will be issued.  

Attendee Qualification
The qualifications of registered attendees are reviewed by the volunteer conference organizer(s). The organizer(s) may use their discretion to determine that an attendee is not qualified to attend the conference. In that case, SfG will contact that registrant to cancel their registration, and issue a full refund of the price paid for registration.

Event Cancellation
In the event the conference is canceled, the full registration fee will be returned to each registrant.

Confirmation of Registration
Upon registering for a conference and submitting payment, the credit card will be charged the full conference fee immediately after payment is submitted. Once the credit card is successfully processed, a confirmation email and receipt of payment will be sent to the email address entered at the time of registration.

Confidential Material Dissemination Policy
SfG does not permit photography or the electronic capture of scientific sessions without the express consent of the presenting author(s), organizers, and SfG management. SfG DOES permit recording/photographs of conference related activities that do not include proprietary materials and data. To maintain privacy, all participants agree not to release other participants’ research material or data that is proprietary, copyrighted, unpublished, or otherwise not available in the public domain to anyone that did not participate in the conference without explicit permission from the author. SfG staff will take reasonable steps to enforce the restrictions against recording and photographing conference presentations; each conference attendee assumes sole responsibility for the protection and preservation of any intellectual property rights from their scientific work.

Personal Information and Data
Registration information will be part of a database that is accessible only to SfG leadership and conference management. SfG uses contact information to provide conference updates as well as general information from the Society and by providing your email address, you agree to receive these emails. A participant list is available to registered conference participants which will include your name and institution but will not include your contact information. SfG may send messages on behalf of sponsors/exhibitors, but your information will not be shared with them. You can manage your email preferences through the email opt-out link at the bottom of all emails from SfG.

Photography Policy/Release
You consent that any photographs taken by SfG may be used in future SfG publications, on the website, or in other advertising materials. By registering to attend this conference, you hereby grant SfG an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid up license to reproduce, copy, display, perform, or otherwise use any photos taken of you by SfG or its designated vendor(s) during the annual meeting for promotional use (i.e. brochures, association publications, web-based media –blogs, websites, e-newsletters). You hereby release and hold harmless SFG from all claims, demands, causes of action and liability related to said use of the material.

Speaker Disclosure Policy
Statements or views expressed by speakers at SfG are solely the views of the speaker. They do not necessarily represent the views of SfG. SfG does not guarantee the source, accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any statement, finding, data, or interpretation presented by any speaker or poster presenter.

Force Majeure
SfG and the annual meeting organizers shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, strike, civil, governmental, or military authority, acts of God, acts of terrorism, acts of war, epidemics or pandemics, the availability of the venue or internet or other similar causes beyond its reasonable control and without fault or negligence. For one or more of such reasons, SfG leadership and management may postpone, reschedule, or cancel the event without liability on the part of SfG. In the event the conference cannot be held or is postponed pursuant to this section, SfG leadership and management shall not be liable to attendee for any damages, costs, or losses incurred.

Waiver of Liability
By attending SfG’s annual meeting, participants assume all risks associated with their attendance and participation in all official and unofficial activities.  Attendees agree to indemnify and hold harmless SfG and their governing bodies, officers, directors, meeting management, and employees from all loss, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to their attendance at the annual meeting.